Tag Archives: poem

Poetry challenge: Christmas poem.

Poetry challenge: Christmas poem.



believe it or not folk’s it’s that time of the year again,

it’s time for the Christmas poetry challenge

here’s hoping that as many of you will take part as you did last year


Why not come over and leave your poem  here https://poetscornerblog.wordpress.com/ at poets corner, or you can leave it here as a comment and I will post it for you.

Poetry: Acrostic poem

P = putting pen to paper

O = organizing the words

E = energy sapping thinking

T = texting the brain

S = stimulating thoughts

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The path

Within in an outward light

shines the path to life

repeated time an again

never diverting

on it’s journey
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Darkness: Poem.

Darkness looms

bringing fear

terror for others

anxiety, depression
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The path


Within in an outward light

shines the path to life

repeated time an again

never diverting

on it’s journey
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Summer weather, what summer, poem.

Where is our summer

where has it gone

what has happened

the earth has turned
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Mohammad Ali poem: Haiku



The king is dead

greatest sportsman that ever lived

R.I.P. Mohammad Ali.

An old persons poem.




My memory is short, poem.


Forgive my forgetfulness

I was not always like this

not knowing who you are

I have my pictures

your name slipped away

I know your face
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Hiaku, cascading.




I see you slowly cascading

to places far of and unknown

will you ever return.

Can also be seen at https://poetscornerblog.wordpress.com/

Forever friend, poem.

Button of death.


It was a beautiful clear day

flying high above the clouds

setting out on our trip

hours passed before we

reached our destination

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