Harry’s diet plan


This is a diet plan for people who like to eat and have a little drink.  

It should help you along the road as long as you stick to it.

Please let me know what you think of it and how you get on.


cereal with full cream milk

two rounds of toast, butter and marmalade

two cups of tea or coffee.



Two sandwich’s,  filling as you like

4 biscuits

two cups of tea or coffee.




potatoes, meat and veg

yogurt or any other sweet

orange juice or glass of wine

two cups of tea or coffee



Two rounds of toast, butter and marmalade

two cups of tea or coffee.


You may have a small snack between meals  but no more than

four biscuits

two cups of tea or coffee.


Are you going to try it.

8 responses to “Harry’s diet plan

  1. Not for me Harry! Im on an MS diet and dont drink alcohol! 😄

  2. Nor me Harry ,I don’t drink tea or coffee,and I wouldn’t that amount of biscuits oil

  3. Sounds like a diet for someone who is training for the Olympics! 😉

  4. Not for me thanks Harry, but I appreciate your pearls of wisdom. Love your site – anyone who calls their site ‘dribbling pensioner’ can’t be all bad! Cheers and I’ll have a rum for you!

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