Titanic Quarter Building, Belfast

Belfast has used almost all of the former Belfast shipyard to create the Titanic  Quarter. There are hotels, business’s , apartments, a large entertainment building with bars, ice rink, cinemas,  etc.
But the latest building to open on the 31st March Was the Titanic Building Visitor Centre.

You will see below that the three sides of the building are the same size and shape as the Titanic’s bow.

On the first weekend the centre got 12,000 visitors from home and abroad and has been very busy ever since.

There is a lot to see and do and it would take about four hours to go round all the rooms etc. On the day it opened there was three weddings booked for the  restaurant / conference room .

This is a photo of the Titanic’s grand staircase which has been rebuilt into the centre ‘s main entrance.

The Titanic centre looks as if its going to be a big success and bring many visitors to Belfast and Northern Ireland.

I will be paying a visit soon, so i should have many photos from inside and out.

33 responses to “Titanic Quarter Building, Belfast

  1. Sooooo exciting! I can’t wait. =0)

  2. Fantastic! Love that grand staircase.

  3. Have a gr8 trip. I cant wait to see the pics. Iove that staircase’

  4. Chatter Master

    I can’t wait for our next trip. The building is beautiful. I love the idea of the symbolism.

    • Master the whole titanic quarter is new and there’s plenty to see.

      • Chatter Master

        We are at my aunt and uncle’s working on family history (one of our favorite past times) and they are scheduling their next trip to Ireland. We have finally located our next destination for searching which is Ballynahinch, Crossgar and Cluntagh. They are interested in the Titanic memorials as well. So hopefully they will be able to see it and be part of the influx of visitors. Yes, I am extremely jealous.

  5. That is a magnificent structure. I’m sure it is going to be a tourists’ magnet.

  6. Great pictures, really creative building idea

  7. can’t wait to see you photos Harry…it looks fantastic

  8. That staircase is lovely. It will be an impressive building!

  9. Very nice building, good post.

  10. Very impressive building.. Kudo’s to the architect.

  11. The same size as the Titanic’s bow? I never envisioned the ship to be actually that massive.

  12. Extraordinary architecture for the Visitor’s Centre.

  13. Unlike the other tat that seem to follow momentous occasions like this, I would definitely go for this one. The building looks magnificent and the staircase is a sight to behold. I visited Belfast briefly many years ago. I now have an excuse to go again.

  14. Thanks pie, the city has changed so much, people would not know it in places.

  15. Wow – that is spectacular!

  16. Or was it the TITANIC that sank ?????? Food for thought?

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